Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We work with dispatch riders for orders within Lagos. For orders outside of Lagos we can send the order to a reputable logistic company in your area for you to pick up.

Do You Ship Internationally?

We offer products from international sellers like on our platform. If you place an order for a product from a third party seller, the seller takes care of the shipping for you.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Delivery within Lagos takes between 1 and 3 days. For orders outside Lagos delivery might take 3 to 5 days.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

To make shopping convenient for our customers we have a number of payment methods available including direct transfers and card payments. Please place your order to see the payment method most convenient for you.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

Yes, if you are buying from a trusted business. We will do our best to fulfill your orders on time.

Order & Retunrs

How do I place an Order?

Please search for the product you wish to purchase and place an order for it, filling in the necessary information. Our staff will then process your order.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

Send a mail to if you decide to cancel your order.

Do I need an account to place an order?

You will be requested to sign up to place an order. The signing up process is easy and should take a brief moment.

How Do I Track My Order?

You can track your order using your order ID.

How Can I Return a Product?

Send a mail to if you have an issue with your purchase.
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