As a student one of your primary concerns is managing limited money. At this stage you need to be able to get the resources you need at a reasonable cost. Luxury spending may be all good, but right now you need to ensure that the money you possess can go further for longer. There are many methods students use to solve this universal challenge of inadequate funds, like working one or more jobs, cost sharing with fellow students, going cheap on personal necessary items, and so on.

There is one other way to go cheaper while getting good value for your money and that is by joining the Amazon Prime Student Membership Program.  By paying only $14.99 per month ($7.49 deal ongoing now) you gain access to thousands of products and other benefits.

With the Amazon Prime Student program you will gain the following benefits:

Fast Free Delivery

With the Amazon Prime Student Program you get access to fast and free delivery on millions of bestseller items you purchase. This will save you cost of delivery for items you order for online.

Free and Rented Books

You will also gain access to over a thousand books, magazines, comics, kindle singles, fiction, non-fiction, children books, and more. You will be able to read on any device of your choice, not just the kindle reader. However it is advisable to be disciplined enough to stick to what you really need because there is a wide variety of printed material and hence it is easy to get distracted.

Prime Member Deals and Discounts

With the Prime Student Program you will also enjoy prime member deals, discounts at Wholefoods and early access to lightening deals. You will get to take advantage of great deals and get even more value for your money.

Unlimited Photo Storage

You will also gain access to unlimited photo storage. You will no longer need to worry about your phone memory becoming too full.

Fashion Options

Buying clothes online can be a risky endeavor because you’re not sure what you buy will be perfect for you. With the Amazon Prime Student Program you can try out clothes before taking possession of them.

This program is a good idea for students that need access to a wide variety of resources at a reasonable cost.

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